OVERVIEW SYMPOSIUM 2024: Exploring the transformative potential of the planetary perspective for social responsibility

A small blue dot, floating in an infinite space, only protected by a thin layer of atmosphere. That's the Earth and the only place in the universe where we know that people can live. Astronauts who have seen the Earth from orbit or the moon, report that this perspective has changed their life and their view of the world forever. As a result of this cognitive shift, they feel the vulnerability of our planet to such an extent that many of them dedicate their lives toward improving life on Earth. This cognitive shift is called the Overview Effect.

Being able to transfer the Overview Effect and it’s transformative power is a potential game changer in human behavior towards a sustainable future. But is it possible to experience this astronauts view of the Earth without actually going to space? How can the Overview Effect be used by organizations in realizing their sustainability and social responsibility goals? During a full day symposium an international group of business practioners, researchers, psychologists, philosophers, and scientists facilitated keynotes, lectures and debates to answer these questions and more. 

Attendees & co-creators had the opportunity… 

  • to connect with others interested in sustainablity thinking and dedicated to planetary change;
  • to share and learn about insights, stories, research and case studies from the fields of facilitation, integration and application of the planetary perspective;
  • to explore the synergy of coming together in terms of new ideas and projects;
  • to visit the Columbus Earth Center and to be awed by the beauty of Earth through the immersive ‘Earth Experience’ installation.

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Astronomy, a scientific discipline that has existed for an extended period, is essential for understanding the characteristics and evolution of the cosmos. Anyone interested in astronomy, regardless of whether it is a leisure or a profession, can benefit from acquiring a comprehensive understanding of Greek terminology related to celestial objects, such as galaxies, planets, and stars.

When discussing celestial events, it is essential to clearly understand the definition of a galaxy and the distinction between an asteroid and a comet. Familiarity with the Greek language will deepen your understanding and admiration of the immense expanse of the cosmos, enhance your ability to observe celestial objects and facilitate conversations about the exploration of outer space.

Greek can be learned either independently or with the help of tutors. The vocabulary in this article can be learned relatively quickly, but to maintain a long dialogue about space, you need to practise with a native speaker. Find information about tutoring here. A Greek tutor (online) is a convenient option for practising the language from home.

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 Thanks to everybody that took part and made the very first edition of the Overview Symposium happen!